The business strategy conference 2020 of MJ TSR Busan Head office (2019.12.30)
The 2020 management strategy presentation for Myungjin TSR Busan headquarters was held at the head office conference room.
The 2020 management strategy presentation for Myungjin TSR Busan headquarters was held at the head office conference room.
The business strategy conference 2020 of MJ TSR Eonyang factory was held at the large meeting room.
The 46th anniversary celebration was held at the company cafeteria.
The business strategy conference of MJ TSR Eonyang factory in 2019 was held at the large meeting room.
MJ TSR opening ceremony was held at the cafeteria on January 2, 2019.
The business strategy conference of MJ TSR Busan Head office in 2019 was held at the large meeting room.
MJ Business Manager (MJTSR Busan Factory, Eonyang Factory, Myeongjin Engineering, Dongju Welting) conference was held on the 5th floor of Pusan Paragon Hotel.
June 28, Chairman of the Fair Trade Commission Kim Sang Jo and the committee visited the head office.
Busan Regional Small & Medium Venture Business Agency was selected as a headquarter by a global corporation representing Busan area. On May 31, 2018, it was awarded a designation and a an award certificate in the meeting room of the second floor of Busan Small Venture Business Agency.
The 45th anniversary ceremony was held in our cafeteria.